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Peace be upon you (As-Salaamu Alaykum)

Developed by Muslim Central.

The content was provided,courtesyof Osoul Center/ The Australian Science and Research Academy.

Book Cover

The aim of this of website is to provide visitors a concise biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the local languages of South Africans.

If you would like to learn more about Muhammad and/or Islam, please find your nearest Mosque or Islamic Centre to assist you. E.g. Google mosque near me.


  • Zulu – Anon
  • Xhosa – Muhammed Lwande Makwetu
  • Afrikaans – Sharifa Daniels


Muslims believe in one God (one deity) Who created the universe and all beings. His name is “Allah”.

All praise be to Allah the Lord of the universe and all beings. He created man in the best stature and made him able to hear, see and think. He made him a successor in the earth and entrusted him to build the earth and not to cause any mischief in it. Accordingly, man should worship God and establish His religion (Law) on the earth. Our Creator Commandments are clear.

They command people to do good deeds and refrain from all types of bad deeds and abominations. Our Creator made our lives on earth short and temporary. Life on earth is a bridge to the eternal life in the Hereafter.

That is the Day of Judgment. Whoever does good will see it and will be rewarded for it. And whoever does bad will see it and will be punished for it.

Across the history, God sent many messengers to people to guide them to their Creator and explain to them the truth behind their creation and purpose of life. Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad were prophets and Messengers of God, peace be uponall of them.

However, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was distinguished by some important characteristics. God chose him to convey the last divine Message to humanity. It is preserved in the Quran, the last divine book to humanity. Also, Prophet Muhammad’s life was a practical demonstration and application of God’s Commandments. His teachings proved that the sincere and honest abiding with our Creator Commandments, brings benevolence, wellbeing and peace to the whole humanity. Prophet Muhammad set the moral basis of a civilization that became a turning point in the development of humanity.

However, nowadays, the world is passing through a critical stage that is burdened with social, economical and political problems as well severe catastrophes. All peoples on the globe are looking for a safe exit from this stage.

Introducing a brief biography about Prophet Muhammad and his teachings that enlightened the hearts of millions of people on the earth. When his companions and followers sincerely believed in God’s final Message and applied the teachings of His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him), they were able to spread justice, mercy and benevolence wherever they reached.

The current complications in the world are escalating violence and terrorism, and the negative media is making the unfair association between violence and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.

This book is designed in a pocket guide style to provide quick, easy and authentic information about Prophet Muhammad, his life and teachings that spread peace and tranquillity in Arabia and all regions that embraced Islam as a religion and a Message from the Lord of people to all people.In addition, Prophet Muhammad’s teachings set the ethical system and code of conduct in the Islamic societies. His teachings set the moral bases of the Islamic civilization.

God says in the Quran: “And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds” Quran 21:107. We ask our Lord, the creator of the universe and all beings to guide us to the true and straight path.

Disclaimer & Important Notes

When Muslims mention Muhammad’s name, it is a religious requirement to express respect by saying “peace be upon him” which is commonly abbreviated as (PBUH). In Arabic, it is written like this (ﷺ).

However, since this is a summarized pocket guide where Prophet Muhammad’s name is frequently mentioned, it is skipped in some locations in order to save space and not to distract non-Muslim readers. No disrespect is intended.

Muslims believe in one God (one deity) Who created the universe and all beings. His name is “Allah”. Whenever the word God or Lord is mentioned in this pocket guide, it means Allah, the Glorified and Exalted.

Arabic words that have become recognized in English usage will follow Webster’s spelling, for example, the cities of Makkah and Medina. However, when helpful, an exact transliteration of the original Arabic word may be used. Makkah is often written “Makkah” in many Islamic books. Similarly, Medina is written “Madinah” or “Al Madinah Al Munawwarah” which means the “Enlightened City”.

Makkah is often written “Makkah” in many Islamic books. Similarly, Medina is written “Madinah” or “Al Madinah Al Munawwarah” which means the “Enlightened City”. Information provided in this pocket guide was obtained from authentic sources according to the best knowledge of the author.

In this book, “Makkah” and “Madinah” will be used. Information provided in this pocket guide was obtained fromauthentic sources according to the best knowledge of the author.